Recruitment handbook

Diversity Is A Fact, Inclusion Is A Choice Diversity is a matter of makeup and composition. Inclusion is a matter of belief and behavior. Diversity benefits no one unless we can unleash its power; simply putting diverse people together doesn't tap their creative potential.
Looking To Hire For Your Business? These Two Steps Will Set You Up For Success What’s the best way to find the right people for your business? There are two steps to this process.
Why You Need Summer Interns Now, and 3 Tips for Hiring the Best Ones In 2021, there are more reasons than ever for savvy entrepreneurs and startups to tap into college and university student internships. With telecommuting, remote recruiting over Zoom and limited, if any, career fairs, internships are best way to assess and build a relationship with the powerful wave of talent coming out of our colleges and universities.
Hiring Managers, Here Are 4 Useful Tips To Create More Inclusive Job Descriptions Every company, regardless of industry, size or location, has a goal of hiring the best talent. Yet, recruiting diverse candidates remains a top challenge for companies today.
Your New Hires Are Not Doing As Well As You Think. Many companies have continued to grow to come out of this crisis stronger, so my interest was piqued by a new report released today containing onboarding insights from new hires made in 2020 since the start of the pandemic.
3 Reasons Why We’ll Continue Remote Interviewing Post Pandemic Interviewing has gone remote. While some think this is temporary, it’s actually the future.
How To Bring Out The Best In Employees With Mental Health Challenges Folks who suffer from emotional health problems often fear employment discrimination. They might think, “If my boss knows I sometimes get depressed, will they promote me?” Or, “Will they trust me to lead that challenging project?” For these reasons, some people feel very strongly that others see their work as unaffected by their mental health difficulties. Some people can function at work, at a top level, despite their personal vulnerabilities. For example, they can appear confident when that’s what is expected of them.
2020 In Review: The Top 3 Most Expensive Hiring Mistakes After 10 years of working with HR professionals and recruiters, I’ve seen organisations make some all-too-common hiring mistakes. These “small” mistakes can cost employers thousands, as well as a chance at winning top talent. They're also easy to avoid if you look at the right metrics.
7 Hidden Signs Difficult Times May Be Affecting Team Productivity Times are tough for everyone right now. However, few people will come right out and tell you that they’re struggling. Most will slog through it, despite its effects on their productivity and health.
The One Thing That Will Truly Inspire Your New Hires Let’s face it, getting your ideal talent hired and onboarded is a time-consuming and expensive process. But getting the onboarding right is critical because if you don’t, you risk losing the employees you worked so hard to hire.
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