HR Jobs Are In Demand

Throughout May searches for HR jobs on the site increased 21.4% compared to the same period in April 2020. Forming a picture of the current climate, an increase in searches for construction (up 32.2% on April) and sales (up 28.3% on April) jobs complete the top three in-demand areas.

It is difficult to tell exactly what the search increase means yet the data does reflect the “unusual” state of the market.

“We have people who have been made redundant and desperately need a new role; people who have been placed on furlough but actually want to get back to work; and people who may have been looking for a job before lockdown who are picking their searches back up as the economy starts to show signs of recovery.

The coronavirus has put lots of strain on business, with HR often being asked to lead and make difficult decisions.

Speaking to HR magazine Richard Rendell, chief people and performance officer at Royal Brunei Airlines, noted that the figures could be reflecting a rise in HR’s unemployment, or a movement of people from other other sectors looking to pivot careers.

“I think the rise in popularity in HR reflects its ever increasing importance to the business, and how we as HR professionals can shape and lead business.”

“A new kind of HR professional is emerging to manage this transformed function, someone who deeply understands not only talent-managment processes but also an organisation’s strategy and business model.”

Specific to the sector, advertisements for “HR consultant” saw the steepest rise from April to May increasing by 57.1%.

Adverts for “HR business partner” (31.3%) and “HR assistant” (31.3%) also saw steep increases.

In terms of job postings, comparing the week commencing 18 May to the prior week of 11 May showed a 37.9% increase in recruitment roles and a 108.6% increase in adverts for management roles - the top area of vacancy on the site.

Senior HR business partner Willorna Brock added the increase in job ads could be a sign that HR personnel are looking to change careers.

Rendell said the rise in recruitment roles was particularly interesting. “As talent management becomes a make-or-break corporate competency, the HR function is responding with a shift from managing the monetary levers of human resources—compensation, benefits, and other expenses—to increasing the asset value of human capital, as measured by intangibles such as employee engagement.”

Brock added: “HR is needed right now. I have seen a surge in HR vacancies which could be attributable to companies needing help with people management issues, things like advice on furlough, managing remote workers and post-COVID transition to the office.”

Nguồn: HRMagazine


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