Don't Like Your Seat? Pick A New One.

I remember sitting in my first medical sales meeting alongside Accel Lifestyle Founder & CEO, Megan Eddings. We were sitting around a board table of professional men who sold their previous companies for billions of dollars. These men were sharp and I was eager to learn..

As we all piled into the conference room, Megan lead the way and selected a seat near the opposite side of the entrance. As the conversations thickened, I distinctly remember Megan standing from her seat and selecting a seat closer to these executives.

Sheryl Sandberg paved the way for professional women. She gave women the confidence and courage to take a seat the table. At that moment in our meeting, I realized that because of our seating choice, we sometimes feel like spectators in our lives rather than participants. In life and business, this is true.

Do you ever have those moments in your job search, career, or in life when you feel stuck or lost? Don’t know how to get back on the horse? Whether you are unhappy in your job, ready for that promotion, eager to start a family, or just looking for a change, having the confidence to sit down is only the first step. Here’s how to pick a new seat.

Decisions, decisions.

You walk into a conference room and are faced with a big decision. What’s the best seat?

There is no perfect seat when you are looking for the next big thing to do. You have to take opportunities and make them a fit for you. Having the ability to learn in anything you do is the most important quality any leader can have.

Pick a seat and sit down.

You are hungry for change. We tend to fall into a pattern of feeling indecisive. Map out the most important next steps, whether it is finding a new job, focusing on work/life balance, or starting your own company.

Pick one and stick to it. Don’t worry about feeling like you will be tied to that choice for the rest of your life - there will always be another open seat for you!

Forget forever.

Just because you are making a transition does not mean you are tied to it for the rest of your life. Change your mindset: Where would you like to be five years from now?

As your next steps become clearer, treat this like you would a business plan. Think of the logical next steps to rebrand yourself and what preparation is required. Write out a task list and timeline. Once you have clarity around your actions, it’s time to get moving to make your dream a reality.

Create a happiness ranking.

When your candle is burning from both ends, you may forget what it feels like to be happy. Take a birds-eye view of your life and create a list of actions, people, and things in your life. Think about what you do for work and what you do outside of work.

Notice how happy each action makes you feel and use a 1 (awful) to 10 (incredible) ranking system next to each item. Anything ranked 7 and above is a sign. Focus on these and you’ll be more in touch with the areas of your life you are happy with, and this will give you direction on how to change that.

You certainly deserve the change you have been craving. Let’s not take this seat for granted, as we are always learning. Be present. Ask for feedback. Acknowledge and value others' opinions. Celebrate others. Be proud of you the value you bring and give enogh to yourself. Success comes from hard work, asking others for help, being at the right place at the right time, and taking chances.

Nguồn: Forbes
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