How To Make High-Level Change At Work (Even If You're Not At The Top)

Every company has both the need and the potential to grow over time. Whether a business must adapt to new trends or is simply looking to improve its internal processes, high-level change is simply part of a company's journey.

While a good idea can come from anywhere in the organization, it must have the full support of the leadership team for it to be sustainable. This notion can be discouraging for some entry- and mid-level employees who might feel there's too much "red tape" to have their ideas heard, validated and implemented. However, you don’t have to necessarily be at the top of the totem pole to enact lasting change—there are plenty of ways you can present your ideas to the right people and convince them of the need to change.

We asked the members of Young Entrepreneur Council to share their best tips for making a high-level impact, regardless of your place in the organization. Follow their advice to start making a difference today.

1. Explain The 'Why'

Our team reads Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin, and one of the key tenets of the book is "remember the why." When you're making sweeping changes, teams can usually get on board if the "why" of a change is clearly stated. Teams may not like or agree on a change, but most people can respect the reasoning. - Beck Bamberger, BAM Communications

2. Have A Plan For Maintaining Accountability

All change begins from creating a goal and making a plan to get there. The hardest part is following that plan and having the discipline to stick with it. It's one thing to point in a direction, but it's another thing to row the boat all the way there. Having other colleagues who can help maintain accountability for reaching the goals could be a great way to succeed. - Nicole Munoz, Nicole Munoz Consulting, Inc

3. Think About A Hypothetical Post-Mortem

Ask yourself, if we're sitting here a year from now and the change we made did not work out how we thought, why would that be the case? Trying to hypothesize about what could make this change go poorly will help you think through everything you need to do to make it go well from the start. - Kelsey Raymond, Influence & Co.

4. Notice The Cracks And Commit To Fixing Them

You may notice flaws in the system and strategies your company is using to produce sales and make customers happy. However, if you notice there's friction somewhere, you can be the one to address it. If you can improve the company's operations so it reaches new levels of success, then you'll be recognized for your efforts, regardless of where you stand or what your position is. - Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

5. Take The Time To Reflect Regularly

Taking the time to reflect on a regular cadence can help you see what changes need to be made to positively impact your business. I like to reflect weekly, and also quarterly, on what's going well and what's not going well. Having a clear idea of what changes are required makes it easier to properly implement them. - Diana Goodwin, MarketBox


Nguồn: Forbes
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